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Prof. Mauro LABANCA

M.D. D.D.S. F.I.C.D – Surgeon | Specialist in Surgery | Specialist in Dentistry | Consultant Professor in Anatomy

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, he then postgraduated in Surgery of the Digestive System and in Odontostomatology at the same University.


In 1987 he opened his own practice in Milan at Corso Magenta 32.


Since 1992 he has been Key Opinion Leader for the most important companies in the dental field.


From 2001 to 2023 he held an annual course in Surgical Anatomy on Cad Lab, unique in Europe for quality and longevity.


In 2006, he conceived, organised and directed the first Master in Communication and Marketing in Private Medicine and Dentistry at the IULM University (Free University of Languages and Communication) in Milan.


Since 2006 Fellow of the International College of Dentists (ICD), the oldest and most prestigious dental college in the world.


From 2007 to 2013 he was Consultant Professor in Oral Surgery at the University Vita e Salute at S. Raffaele in Milan.


Since 2008 to date, he has been Consultant Professor of Anatomy at the Medical Degree Course at the University of Brescia.


In 2009, he co-founded and is vice-president of the Italian Society for the Study of Oro-Facial Pain (SISDO).


In 2022, the practice will be 35 years old.


In 2024, he was appointed European President of the ICD (International College of Dentists).


In 2025, he was appointed World President of the ICD (International College of Dentists).

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Prof. LABANCA is European President and International Councilor for the World Board of the ICD (International College of Dentists).

The ICD is a humanitarian association on a voluntary basis and is the oldest and most prestigious in the world.

Membership of the College is by invitation only and is granted in recognition of professional achievement, dedication to dental science and to honour special merit.

Our staff

Monica Marsicano

Monica Marsicano

Front Desk

Serena Strangio

Chairside assistant

Denise Corzuol

Chairside assistant

Eleonora Binotto

Chairside assistant

Dr. Dino Giannotti

Dental hygienist

Dr. Chiara Taliercio

Dental hygienist

Dr. Antonella Ferro


Dr. Andrea Milani


Dr. Antonio Turetta

Physiatrist and Acupuncturist

Dr. Paola Malusardi
