The Conscious Pharmacological Sedation is an innovative anesthesiology technique that represents a real revolution in the field of oral surgery, although it is already very well known and used in medicine for other needs such as endoscopic exams or minor interventions.

The main objective is to attenuate the emotional responses of the patient, such as anxiety and panic attacks, which can occur during an intervention or in the early stages that precede it, giving the patient a state of relax (intermediate state between wakefulness and sleep), amnesia and pain control, and minor effects after the operation.

Conscious sedation doesn’t involve the loss of protective reflexes such as the autonomous respiration; on the contrary it allows the patient to appropriately respond to physical stimulation and to voice commands (the patient is conscious and cooperative).

Sometimes some patients choose sedation to have a lower perception of what is happening, others because maybe they have a very sensitive mouth and a heightened gag reflex so even simple procedures (such as fillings) could be an insurmountable problem; some choose it just because they’re scared or worried about procedures, even minor ones.
In all these cases pharmacological sedation can be used to perform more interventions (even simple ones) in just one session and with less emotional stress.

Depending on the clinical case and on the kind of intervention, the need of conscious sedation is evaluated together with a professional anaesthetist, responsible for the procedure, who will assess the suitability of the patient through specific clinical information, blood tests and instrumental investigations.
The patient is continuously monitored with specific displays during all the phases of sedation to guarantee a high level of safety and all medicines are fast acting and reversible.


  • Lunedì :9.00 - 19.00
  • Martedì :9.00 - 19.00
  • Mercoledì :9.00 - 19.00
  • Giovedì :9.00 - 19.00
  • Venerdì :9.00 - 19.00


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